Friday, February 21, 2014

storms clearing. storms blowing in.

A few days in time,
& I feel like i understand less and more at the same time.
its funny how little time makes sense to me.

to make sense of things i feel it is necessary to understand where ones feelings are coming from.
It makes things a lot easier to understand how to deal with this emotional cycle humans are apart of.
I have found that my mind state and my heart space are not communicating in this current time.
I have been spending a lot of time trying to reconnect to my heart space.
It is amazing how after a year i have come to a place where i almost forgot how sacred, connected and in sync i feel when present in the heart space.

heart and spirit
heart and spirit

i had been exploring the bounds of the essence of innocence. In what respects is it an essence and not a mental state of being? In what ways is it a comforting safe space of spiraling love, and at what point is it a state of ignorance?  All the ideas i was trying to understand within/out myself, once I remembered to connect to my heart space, I was able to understand myself and what is influencing my head space and my reality. I have been finding within me this natural love and acceptance as i move more and more into my heart space. The  filter-less world of love vibrations is the innocence i am CONSCIOUSLY putting my energy into, NOT this thought of careless innocence...In which this innocence ignorant.
well for one, using an innocent outlook to overlook or not actively engage in the lessons this experience, THAT I AM CHOOSING, is teaching me.(that's kind of a big one)
imagine choosing a path, an experience, a lesson and then trying to ignore it.
Some learning experiences are really hard and our ego wants to retaliate against yourself, and any others involved. Your state of suffering. I have been having this strange reaction where i have learned in detail about this, with experienced assistance from books and workshops that I have been experienced this in an altered state. In stead of retaliation i went into child mode. That carefree child, that pretends like nothing is bothering you, some children gain at a young age a bubble that no chaos can enter.
I have been emulating that, but not on a pure vibratory form.
Instead it was coming from my mind. Where i should of moved into my heart,
From my heart i have had to acknowledge the situation, my emotional state, and then even see into the third aspect: which is what i am learning, seeing and acknowledging that i am growing through it.
From this space i am growing this great big bubble of love around me. Supporting and being supported through my earth family connections.

It really is a beautiful organism on its own. As we are each our own strange earth organism. This growth of human and earth community that we are tapping into and intertwining with is a growing organism of healing and love consciousness. We are up into a new way of being.

So from the other day, i clearly feel more clear on somethings, the things that i am feeling more confused on is how to assist other people to find there sacred space. I wake up in the morning and the news of so much violence towards the earth, and animals and humans makes my body heavy, my emotions sad. I feel little desire to participate in things that contribute to this (i am not perfect, but i try) perpetual state of harm.
I find that I am not the only one who wonders how to get out. How to change this; i know we all talk about how we are building a new model of reality to make the old one obsolete: but HOW? reprogramming our mindset is how we start, but what after that. What happens after we develop that aspect. We remember our oneness.
Oneness: this idea we all keep saying we are feeling: but do we really know what to do with it?
Are we extending it to the earth? Are we sharing this feeling with all the creatures who live on this earth?
Are we allowing this oneness to unite us all, creating a reality of symbiotic relationships?
This is wear my train of thought is ending. I guess i am still exploring this.

oh yes, my mental navigation is now given the term of explanation. <3 nbsp="" p="">

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